Below are suggested comments for your consideration. Please send your message to TODAY! Dear Planning Staff, In 2017, Brantford and Brant County negotiated a 9,000-acre mega-sprawl deal. Brantford annexed 6,700 acres of mostly prime farmland from Brant County, and agreed to extend water and sewer services to Cainsville and the airport community to enable…
All posts tagged Sprawl
Op Ed: Beyond the Election: Protecting Farmland for the Future
The National Farmers Union – Ontario calls for the protection of farmland, significant green spaces, water sources and moraines in in the province.
Stop Sprawl: Critique of Envisioning Brantford
Comments due February 8, 2019 Submit to: Alan Waterfield and Joshua Schram Background: The Public Information Centre for the City of Brantford Official Plan Review was held January 17, 2019. The presentation, easel boards, and table discussion sheets can be found Over the past decade, Brantford has failed to meet the Growth…
What’s Happening in Your Backyard? Teach-In Sessions
On January 15, 2019 the Ford government proposed changes to the Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth Plan with more than 100 changes to the rules that govern how cities can grow. The government argues that these proposed changes will help increase the affordable housing supply. Many have already noted these changes are regressive, including Victor Doyle…