Protect what we love.
Help to stop sprawl.
Protect the environment & our health
Please send an email today to OfficialPlan@brant.ca and ask that
- Farmland in Brant County be protected, and that no site specific development on the Papple farm which is outside of the Cainsville urban settlement boundary be permitted. We are losing 319 acres per day of farmland in Ontario (Stats Canada, 2021). The Ontario Farmland Trust calls for the protection of all farmland: prime farmland (class 1-3), Class 4 (good for tender fruits), Class 5 (good for heritage grains) and Class 6 (food for pasture for livestock) and supporting a family farm. All farmland is valuable for agriculture!

2) that incineration of garbage (energy from waste) not be permitted because of the emissions and toxic ash that it creates, the expense, and the waste of precious resources that can be recycled and reused. Ask council instead to support better recycling and composting as in other communities (e.g. recycle plastic bags, set up repair centres, recycle Styrofoam; have more frequent and more accessible toxic waste depots).
Speak up. Plan to attend the public meeting at Mon, May 29,
3:00 pm, Council Chambers,
7 Broadway Street W., Paris.
Email clerks@brant.ca to register to speak