Send your comments by noon Thursday December 2, 2021 to
For the most current information about the new Official Plan for the County of Brant visit
There is immense pressure on the County of Brant to cater to the requests of developers to convert agricultural land to employment land and to convert employment land to residential zoning. The county needs to hear from a wide variety of voices – residents, business owners, farmers, students, elders, environmentalists, lifelong residents and newly arrived residents. Our Official Plan should reflect all of our voices.
Agriculture is a key contributor to our local economy and farmland is a finite resource that requires protection. Protecting farmland will help to protect our economy and will also help provide ecological sustainability and food security.
To address the Climate Emergency we need to reduce our carbon footprint. It is essential to reduce car dependency. This requires focussing on local, ecologically sustainable employment; avoid catering to a ‘commuter shed’.
As growth happens in the County of Brant we need to create and enhance active transportation – accessible, walkable & bicycle friendly communities. We do not need settlement boundary expansions if we work to attract employers who will provide higher density jobs. Think skilled, high tech – workspaces with many employees rather than vast warehouses that take up precious land and only require a minimal number of employees to operate.